I’ve created a MAP OF SAN FRANCISCO’S LANDMARK AND RARE TREES. Clink on the map or on the above link, and you’ll be sent to a map of San Francisco where each tree is represented by a dot at its location. You’ll get a message that the app wants to use your current location - and if you do that, you’ll be able to see all of my landmark trees near you - just tap the red tear-drop shaped image near you, and you’ll get the address of the nearby tree. Now, for the first time, you can walk or bike or drive around the City with your smart phone pointing to this page, and the map will guide you to what’s big and interesting near you! Most of the trees are big for their species, but occasionally a tree ends up on the map because it’s very rare in San Francisco.
Here's my list of the best trees I've been able to find in San Francisco, by species (265 different species listed, and still growing).
Acacia baileyana (bailey's acacia): 230 Ashbury Street in NOPA
Acacia cognata (river wattle): 1634 Jerrold Avenue (at entrance to Flora Grubb Nursery) in the Bayview; Northeast corner of 18th and Arkansas on Potrero Hill; Walnut Street near Sacramento Street in Presidio Heights
Acacia dealbata (silver wattle): 3580 21st/Church
Acacia longifolia (sydney golden wattle): NEED SPECIMEN
Acacia melanoxylon (blackwood acacia): 1950 Monterey Boulevard in St. Francis Wood
Acer platanoides (Norway maple); 217 Douglass in the Castro neighborhood
Acacia podalyriifolia (pearl acacia): 285 Nevada Street (inside fence) in Bernal Heights
Acacia pravissima (ovens wattle): 200 Cervantes Street in the Marina District
Acacia stenophylla (shoestring acacia): median of Guerrero Street, between 20th and 25th Streets, in the Mission District
Acer buergeranum (trident maple): 712 Tennessee Street in Dogpatch
Acer campestre (hedge maple): in side yard to the right of 258 Edgewood Avenue in Parnassus Heights
Acer davidii (snake bark maple): 110 Fair Oaks Street in the Mission
Acer x freemanii (freeman maple): 670 Pennsylvania (many examples surrounding building below, on the corner) on Potrero Hill
Acer macrophyllum (bigleaf maple): 36 Macondray Lane/Jones - next to a giant Blue gum trunk; also just around the corner in the hillside at the of corner of Green and Taylor.
Acer negundo (box elder): across from 2088-2092 Fell Street, in the Golden Gate panhandle just south of the bike path
Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple): 2462-64 Broadway/Pierce in Pacific Heights; 115 Granville/Ulloa in West Portal
Acer rubrum (red maple): 345 Grove in Civic Center
Acer saccharinum (silver maple): 253 Sanchez/Market in the Castro; 4048 22nd/Eureka in Noe Valley
Acer saccharum (sugar maple): 696 Pennsylvania Street (tree at the very corner; there are many freeman maples at this address, but the tree at the very corner is a sugar maple - the only one in San Francisco!)
Aesculus californica (California buckeye): 22nd street near Pennsylvania - head down the stairs to the Caltrain tracks, walk forward until you see the very large tree on the right. This tree has been landmarked by the Urban Forestry Council as a San Francisco landmark tree. I think the biggest California buckeye is on Poppy Lane, between Diamond Street and Conrad Streets.
Aesculus carnea (red horsechestnut): 2828 Vallejo/Broderick in Pacific Heights; 1473 6th/Kirkham in the Inner Sunset
Aesculus hippocastanum (horsechestnut): 945 Dolores/22nd in the Mission
Afrocarpus falcatus (common yellowwood): 1285 Hampshire/25th in the Mission
Afrocarpus gracilior (fern pine): 16 Bronte/Cortland in Bernal Heights; 188 Winfield/Virginia in Bernal Heights
Agathis robusta (Queensland kauri; smooth-bark kauri) : in Jefferson Square Park, near the corner of Franklin and Turk (see my blog from September 2014); also in Golden Gate panhandle, off Fell Street between Cole and Shrader
Agonis flexuosa (Peppermint willow): 841 Baker/Turk in NOPA; across from 443 7th Avenue in the Richmond, in Muriel Leff pocket park (the large, leaning tree)
Albizia julibrissin (Silk tree): 2700 21st Street (NW corner of York and 21st; tree closest to corner)
Alectryon excelsus (Titoki tree): 1772 Vallejo/Gough in Pacific Heights. A big, beautiful landmark tree! Two specimens in Dolores Park directly across from 535 Dolores/18th; three specimens on the north side of Mission Playground, visible from Valencia Street, bordering Cumberland (the 1st, 2nd and 4th trees from Valencia).
Ailanthus altissima (tree of heaven): 929 Broderick/Turk Street.
Alnus cordata (Italian alder): in Golden Gate Park panhandle across from 2094 Fell Street (cross-street Shrader; several trees at this location)
Alnus rhombifolia (white alder): east side of Pacific Bell Park, near Gate 3 to the Marina (two rows of trees); 138 Hermann/Buchanan (two large trees) in the lower Haight-Ashbury; 65 Alpine Terrace in the Haight Ashbury
Alnus rubra (red alder): 295 31st Avenue in the Richmond. A beautiful tree!
Aloidendron barberae (tree aloe): 1056-1058 Guerrero in the Mission
Aloidendron ‘Hercules’ (Hercules tree aloe): 451 Avila in the Marina District
Angophora costar (rose gum) : Across from 243 25th Avenue/California in the Richmond
Angophora floribunda (rough-barked apple): 136 Arlington, above the San Jose Avenue viaduct.
Araucaria araucana (Monkey Puzzle tree): 2261 Jackson/Webster in Pacific Heights; 2200 9th Avenue/Mesa in Forest Hill - on Mesa Avenue side - female tree
Araucaria bidwillii (bunya-bunya tree): 1818 California/Franklin in Pacific Heights; 125 Benton Avenue near Glen Park
Araucaria columnaris (Cook pine): 16th Street, between Bryant and Potrero , south side of the street in Franklin Square; 300 Filbert Street on Telegraph Hill
Araucaria columnaris-Araucaria heterophylla (Cook pine/Norfolk Island Pine) hybrid: backyard of 46A Wood Street. This tree was nominated and became a "landmark tree" under the San Francisco landmark tree ordinance in 2016.
Araucaria heterophylla (Norfolk Island Pine): corner of Lakewood and Fairfield in Westwood Park; near gay flag at corner of Market and Castro
Arbutus 'Marina' (strawberry tree): 826 Geneva Avenue in the Excelsior; 4435 Anza/25th in the Richmond
Arbutus unedo (strawberry tree) : 156 Lunado Court in Ingleside Terraces; 160 Belgrave in Cole Valley
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana (King Palm): 3480 16th/Sanchez in the Castro; 1516 Castro Street in Noe Valley (this is also the palm planted on Castro Street between Market and 19th Streets (both sides)
Azara microphylla (boxleaf azara): 143 Jersey in Noe Valley (in yard)
Banksia integrifolia (coast banksia): 283 10th Avenue/Clement in the Richmond (two trees, one has been topped/severely pruned); 1565 Kirkwood Avenue/3rd Street in the Bayview. A great tree - we need more of these in San Francisco!
Bauhinia x blakeana (Hong Kong orchid tree): 361 San Jose Avenue (front yard)
Betula pendula (European white birch): 1669 Alabama in Bernal Heights; 469 Day in Noe Valley; 33 Douglass/19th in the Castro
Betula nigra (river birch); 311 Athens in the Excelsior neighborhood
Brachychiton acerifolius (flame tree): on either side of the stairs at the Presidio Library at 3150 Sacramento Street; several surrounding parking lot at Shotwell/17th/Folsom in the Mission (trees with large, lobed leaves)
Brachychiton populneus (kurrajong): 400 Congo in Glen Park (on Joost Street side); several surrounding parking lot at Shotwell/17th/Folsom in the Mission
Brachychiton rupestris (Queensland bottle tree); 405 Cole Street/Oak in the Haight (this is the only one on SF’s streets; the tree is next to a pindo palm - Butia odorata, which is also very rare!
Brahea armata: 1048 Union/Jones on Russian Hill (on the left side of the gate at this address - walk down a couple of stairs to see it on the left); Mariposa Street close to Alabama Street at Theater Artaud in the Mission (small tree as of 2013, with bluish fronds)
Brahea clara (clara palm): 1048 Union/Jones on Russian Hill (the palm on the right side of the gate at this address)
Brahea edulis (Guadalupe palm): 375 Vermont/17th on Potrero Hill (2 trees); 170 Manchester/Stoneman in Bernal Heights; northwest corner of Florida and Mariposa at Theater Artaud in the Mission (note: this tree's fruits are rolling down Mariposa and sending up volunteers on both side of the street!); in median at 16th and Dolores in the Mission
Butia odorata (Pindo palm): 100 Northgate/Darien in Westwood Park 1247 37th Avenue in the Sunset
Callistemon citrinus (lemon bottlebrush): 1264-66 Noe/Clipper in Noe Valley; 400 block of Arkansas Street, east side of street, on Potrero Hill
Callistemon viminalis (weeping bottlebrush): 426 16th Avenue/Geary in the Richmond; 4016 18th Street in the Castro.
Calocedrus decurrens (Incense cedar): corner of Cayuga and Onondaga; 514-518 Clipper/Diamond
Carpinus betulus (European Hornbeam): 29 Levant/Roosevelt in the Upper Market area
Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata' (Erect European Hornbeam): 227 Connecticut/Mariposa on Potrero Hill
Cassia leptophylla (Gold Medallion Tree): 227 Cole Street/Fell in the North of Panhandle neighborhood (a great tree and still too rate in SF - let's plant more of these!
Castanea sativa (Spanish chestnut): 3141 23rd/Shotwell in the Mission (several examples south side of street between Shotwell and Folsom); 282 London Street/Brazil in the Exelsior. These are the only examples in San Francisco of Castanea that I know of.
Casuarina equisetifolia (Australian Pine; Horsetail tree):
Casuarina verticillata (sometimes referred to as C. stricta) (Mountain She-oak) : 407 9th/Harrison in SOMA
Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman' (ceanothus): northeast corner of Cole and Waller Streets in Cole Valley; 1468 Masonic in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood
Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' (Atlas cedar): 451 Yerba Buena/Monterey in St. Francis Woods (two trees); 25 Woodland/Parnassus in Cole Valley
Cedrus deodara (Deodar cedar): main lawn of the San Francisco Botanical Garden
Ceiba speciosa 'Majestic beauty' (Floss Silk tree): 1745 20th/Wisconsin (on 20th Street, the large tree with thorns exuding from the trunk); spectacular specimen in Prospect Park on Indiana Street between 23rd and 24th Street; several surrounding parking lot at Shotwell/17th/Folsom in the Mission (planted in 1997)
Celtis sinensis (Chinese Hackberry): 900 block of Lombard/Leavenworth (many great examples) in Russian Hill; 850 Page/Scott in Lower Haight; several in the Golden Gate Park panhandle directly across from 1858-1872 Fell/Clayton
Ceratonia siliqua (carob): 895 Dolores Street: 138 Noe Street in the Duboce Triangle
Ceroxylon parvifrons (small-leafed wax palm): 2563 33rd Avenue near Vicente. (It’s the tallest of the palms at this address, and the only one that extends above the level of the house.) According to Jason Dewees, SF's leading palm expert, this is the only specimen of its species ever to flower in cultivation outside its habitat.
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Port Orford cedar): In Alta Plaza Park, across from 2502-2510 Jackson in Pacific Heights
Chamaerops humilis (Mediterranean fan palm): 1834 Hyde (multiple trees at this address (all of the palms other than the tall one, which is a queen palm)
Chionanthus retusus (Chinese fringe tree): 1357 Natoma/15th Street in the Mission; also planted in the center of South Park
Chiranthodendron pentadactylon (Monkey Hand tree): East side of 11th Street, just north of Irving Street, in the Sunset
x Chiranthofremontia lenzii (devil's hand tree): northeast corner of Cesar Chavez and Guerrero (this tree is a cross between Ciranthodendron and Fremontodendron). An amazing specimen! Closeup photo here.
x Chitalpa tashkentensis (chitalpa 'pink dawn'): 800 Carolina/20th in Potrero Hill (this is a bi-generic cross between the desert willow (Chilopsis linearis) and catalpa (Catalpa bignoniodes). The initial hybrids between Catalpa and Chilopsis were created in Uzbekistan in 1964 and introduced into the United States by Robert Hebb of the New York Botanic Garden in 1977.)
Cinnamomum camphora (camphor) : 385 Connecticut Street on Potrero Hill; 3828 Cesar Chavez/Dolores in Noe Valley
Citrus x limon (lemon): 310 Sanchez/17th Street (not often you see one of these planted in a sidewalk cut)
Citrus x sinensis (orange): 524-26 Noe Street in the Castro
Clethra arborea (lily of the valley tree): 2193 9th Avenue/Mesa (in yard) in Forest Hill
Cleyera japonica (sakaki): 442 Arlington/Mateo in Glen Park (against the house, next to the stairs)
Cordyline australis (giant dracaena): great lawn at the Main Post of the Presidio (many great examples)
Corymbia calophylla (marri): 1001 Ulloa Street/Madrone in West Portal; 4038 23rd Street in Noe Valley
Corymbia ficifolia (Red Flowering gum): corner of Monterey Boulevard and Junipero Serra (in Monterey Blvd. median, nearest to Junipero Serra (largest tree of this species in the USA!)
Corynocarpus laevigatus (New Zealand Laurel): west side of Funston, just south of Clement Street in the Richmond district; 1220 9th Ave/Lincoln, in the Inner Sunset
Cotinus coggygria (smoke tree): 1301 19th/Texas in Potrero Hill
Crataegus laevigata (English hawthorne): 939 Castro Street
Crataegus x lavallei (Lavalle hawthorne): 3875 and 3881 21st Street in the Castro neighborhood; 22nd Street in Dogpatch, just east of the 280 Freeway and west of Indiana Street, south side of the street
Crataegus phaenopyrum (Washington thorn): across the street from Mission Dolores Church on Dolores Street near 16th (several trees)
Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese cryptomeria): 175 Castenada in Forest Hill; 1765 Revere Avenue in the Bayview
Cupaniopsis anacardioides (carrotwood tree): northeast corner of Clipper and Noe (bordering James Lick Middle School); 282-84 Monterey Boulevard near Glen Park
Cupressus cashmeriana (Bhutan cypress): 907 Treat/22nd in the Mission
Cupressus x leylandii (Leyland cypress): 1001 Ulloa in West Portal
Cunonia capensis (butterspoon tree): Native of South Africa; 2153 Lake Street/23rd in the Richmond
Cussonia spicata (cabbage tree); 391 Missouri/19th on Potrero Hill
Dacrydium franklinii (Huon pine): Stanyan Street near Alma in Cole Valley, in side yard
Diospyros kaki ‘Hachiya’ (Hachiya persimmon): 2220 Clay Street in Pacific Heights
Dracaena draco (Dragon tree): 658 Waller in lower Haight-Ashbury (in yard - not the street tree); 635 Buena Vista West
Dypsis baronii (sugarcane palm); 2563 33rd Avenue near Vicente in the Sunset
Elaeocarpus decipiens (Japanese blueberry): 120 Lexington Street in the Mission
Erica arborea (tree Heath): northeast corner of Alta Plaza park
Eriobotrya x 'Coppertone' (coppertone loquat): 823 York/20th in the Mission
Eriobotrya deflexa (bronze Loquat): 4377 17th Street in the Castro; 1047 Shrader in Cole Valley
Eriobotrya japonica (Loquat): 3867 25th Street in Noe Valley; 980 Capp/25th in the Mission
Erythrina caffra (African coral tree): 422-24 Waller in the Lower Haight (spectacular specimen!); also 1745 20th Street/Wisconsin. It's the official tree of Los Angeles.
Erythrina crista-galli (cockspur coral tree): 366 Cumberland/Noe in Dolores Heights. Wow! This is a spectacular tree, and is way north of its normal range. Another tree at 3352 23rd Street, at the corner of Bartlett, in the Mission.
Eucalyptus camadulensis (river red gum): 146 Cortland in Bernal Heights; 641 Hayes in Hayes Valley
Eucalyptus citriodora (Lemon Scented gum) : Mission Street just south of Duboce, several trees in median strip; across from 214 Arlington/Charles in Glen Park; 237-39 San Carlos/19th in the Mission
Eucalyptus conferruminata (bushy yate): Golden Gate Avenue between Buchanan and Webster in the Western Addition, north side of the street, four large trees between the building and sidewalk
Eucalyptus coolibah (coolabah): north side of Channel Street west of 4th Street (20 or so specimens in the sidewalk)
Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum): Several trees, across street from 1650 Octavia/Bush in Pacific Heights. Note the historical market in the sidewalk relating to these trees.
Eucalyptus maculata: (spotted gum): next to the building at the Mission Pool and Playground in the Mission near 19th and Linda; several in front of the Transamerica Pyramid, on both Clay and Washington between Montgomery and Sansome; 441 Castenada in Forest Hill; downhill from 514 Clipper in Noe Valley
Eucalyptus nicholii (Nichol's willow-leaf peppermint tree): 418 Eugenia in Bernal Heights (and many other large E. nicholii nearby)
Eucalyptus polyanthemos (Silver Dollar gum): 946 Diamond (25th Street side) in Noe Valley; across from 650 Faxon in park, in Westwood Park;
Eucalyptus pulverulenta (silver leaved mountain eucalyptus): 3770 24th/Church in Noe Valley
Eucalyptus robusta (swamp mahogany); corner of Noe and Cumberland; just uphill (south) from the beginning of the Cumberland stairs
Eucalyptus sideroxylon (red ironbark): 467 Pennsylvania Street on Potrero Hill; 229 Cortland/Bonview in Bernal Heights; 6025 3rd/Egbert in Hunter's Point
Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney blue gum): at the corner of Lombard and Lyon, at the Lombardgate to the Presidio, just past the gate on the right in the lawn next to the Letterman Digital Arts Building
Eucalyptus viminalis (manna gum): many lining Santa Clara Avenue in St. Francis Wood
Fagus sylvatica (European beech): 140 San Anselmo (but on the the San Buenaventura side of the house) in St. Francis Wood; 230 Santa Clara/San Anselmo in St. Francis Wood
Fagus sylvatica 'Fastigiata' (Dawyck beech): 7th between Irving and Judah (in front of Laguna Honda School) in the Sunset
Ficus benjamina (weeping fig): 2698 Folsom/23rd in the Mission
Ficus carica (common fig): Across street from 655 Beach in Fisherman's Wharf
Ficus elastica 'Decora' (rubber tree): 3376 21st Street/Guerrero
Ficus macrophylla (Moreton Bay Fig): Valencia Street south of Cesar Chavez, west side of street near St. Luke's Hospital (very large specimen) in the Mission
Ficus microcarpa (ficus or laurel fig): northeast corner of Mission and Beale (set back from the street)
Ficus rubiginosa (Port Jackson fig): southeast corner of Cesar Chavez and Kansas; another example at Fell/Masonic, and a couple of street trees on Steiner at Sacramento.
Fraxinus augustifolia (narrow-leafed ash): 211 Miramar Avenue in Ingleside Terrace
Fraxinus ornus (Flowering Ash): 110 Edgewood/Farnsworth in Cole Valley/Parnassus Heights; in front of Bernal Heights Library on Cortland Street in Bernal Heights
Fraxinus oxycarpa 'Raywood' (Raywood Ash): Many examples on all sides of Costco Building (bounded by Harrison, 10th, Bryant and 11th) in SOMA
Fraxinus uhdei (Evergreen Ash; Shamel Ash): 721 Cole Street/Waller in Cole Valley
Fraxinus velutina ‘Modesto’ (Modesto Ash): 1653 Baker Street in Pacific Heights
Geijera parviflora (Australian willow): 269 Capp Street in the Mission
Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo or Maidenhair tree): 1629 Dolores Street/29th in the Mission; a rare female version of the tree at 258 Eureka, 520-22 Greenwich near Grant on Telegraph Hill; Divisadero north of Oak;
Grevillea robusta (silk oak): 3520 18th/Valencia in the Mission (another around the corner at 696 Valencia)
Grevillea ‘Red Hooks’ - 230 Virginia (at the corner) in Bernal Heights
Griselinia littoralis (kapuka or New Zealand broadleaf): 351 Buena Vista East; 305 Steiner in the lower Haight-Ashbury
Hakea laurina (Pincushion hakea): On O'Shaughnessy, close to bottom of the street, right side as you're heading downhill, in Glen Park
Hedyscepe canterburyana (big mountain palm or umbrella palm); 2563 33rd Avenue near Vicente in the Sunset
Hakea drupacea (Sweet Hakea): 1350 Lake Street in the Richmond District; Laughton Street at corner of 40th Avenue; row of trees
Harpephyllum caffrum (wild plum): 484-486 Chenery Street
Hesperocyparis macrocarpa (Monterey cypress) : 501 Stanyan Street - in front of McLaren Lodge near Stanyan and Fell Streets
Hoheria populnea (lacebark tree) - end of 9th Avenue, north of Lake - just inside Mountain Lake Park
Howea belmoreana (kentia palm); 2563 33rd Avenue near Vicente in the Sunset
Howea forsteriana (kentia palm): 454 Holladay Avenue in Bernal Heights; 292 Arlington/Miguel in Glen Park; 1366 Guerrero/25th in the Mission
Hymenosporum flavum (sweetshade): 1230-32 Castro/24th in Noe Valley; 1000 Cole Street/Parnassus in Cole Valley
Ilex aquifolium (English holly): 201 Joost Avenue in the Sunnyside neighborhood
Jacaranda mimosifolia (jacaranda): 559 Texas/20th St. on Potrero Hill
Jubaea chilensis (Chilean wine palm): in Golden Gate Park across from Conservatory Drive; 460 Yerba Buena/Monterey Blvd; at the Sunnyside Conservatory at 236 Monterey Blvd; at Theatre Artaud, on Florida between 17th and Mariposa in the Mission (there are also two tiny wine palms in gigantic clay pots on Florida Street, close to Mariposa, at this address).
Juglans californica (California black walnut): NEED SPECIMEN
Juglans hindsii x Juglans regia (paradox walnut): 22nd Street just west of San Jose Avenue in the Mission (north side of street; two trees)
Juglans nigra (black walnut): In Golden Gate Park panhandle directly across from 1809 Oak/Clayton; Arkansas between 19th and 20th on Potrero Hill
Juglans regia (English walnut): Across street from 84 Latona in the Bayview; 373 Arkansas on Potrero Hill
Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper): 135 Edgewood in Cole Valley (in yard)
Koelreuteria paniculata (golden rain tree): 350 27th Street in Noe Valley; across from 25 14th Street in the Inner Missioin
Koelreuteria bipinnata (Chinese flame tree): 820-22 Alabama Street in the Mission; 924 Minnesota in Dogpatch
Laburnum x watereri (goldenchain tree): 414 Shrader/Oak in the Haight-Ashbury; closeup here
Lagerstroemia indica (crapemyrtle): 1476-78 Guerrero; to the right of 18 Lapidge, near the Women's Building, in the Mission (two trees)
Lagerstroemia 'Natchez' (hybrid of L. indica and L. fauriei) (crapemyrtle): 60 Rico Way in the Marina
Lagunaria pattersonii (primrose tree, cow itch tree): 658 Waller in the Lower Haight; across from 1660 Stockton/Filbert, in corner of Washington Square Park (three large specimens); northeast corner of 11th and Irving in the Sunset; across from 1696 Eddy/Gough (in park) in Civic Center area
Laurus nobilis (sweet bay, Grecian laurel): 555 Battery/Jackson (NW corner Washington/Battery) in the Financial District
Laurus 'Saratoga' : 1077 Filbert in Pacific Heights; Rhode Island Street at 23rd Street in Potrero Hill; corner 22nd/Diamond in Noe Valley
Leptospermum laevigatum (Australian tea):
Leptospermum scoparium (New Zealand tea): 20 Darien Way in Westwood Park
Leucadendron argenteum (silver tree): 20 Westwood Drive in Westwood Park; 1560 Plymouth Street in Westwood Park; 70 Alton Avenue/Pacheco in Forest Hill
Ligustrum lucidum (glossy privet): 779-791-783 Guerrero Street in the Mission
Liquidambar orientalis (oriental sweetgum): 553-555-557 Dolores/18th (another one across from 547 Dolores facing the park)
Liquidambar styraciflua (American Sweetgum): 2385 Bryant/22nd in the Mission
Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip): 513B Simonds Loop in the Presidio (to the right of the address as you face it, nestled next to the house); Northwest corner of Sansome/Sacramento in the Financial District (fronting old Federal Reserve Bank building; many great specimens around the building); corner of Vallejo and Kearny on Telegraph Hill
Livistona chinensis (Chinese fan palm): 351 Buena Vista (the young palms inside the gate at this address; these are the only ones I know of in San Francisco)
Lophostemon confertus (brisbane box): 696 2nd/Cabrillo in the Richmond; 1634 Fell/Masonic in the Haight Ashbury
Luma paniculata (Chilean myrtle): 2550 Divisadero in Presidio Heights
Lyonothamnus floribundus asplenifolius (Catalina Ironwood): Bottom of Hermann Street, near the corner of Laguna/Market
Magnolia campbellii (Campbell's magnolia): Across from 640 Stanyan (near Page) in Golden Gate Park
Magnolia champaca (joy perfume tree): 232 Alma Street/Stanyan in Cole Valley
Magnolia doltsopa (michelia): 1608-1610 Church/28th Street in Noe Valley; 326 Kirkham/7th Ave in the Inner Sunset
Magnolia grandiflora (southern magnolia): Across street from 3883-85 20th Street/Church in the Mission/Castro neighborhood; 63-65 Buena Vista Terrace in the Upper Market neighborhod
Magnolia x soulangia (saucer magnolia): SW corner of Divisadero/Lombard, near 3137A Divisadero
Magnolia stellata (star magnolia): 361 Oak/Octavia in Hayes Valley
Magnolia X vulcan (vulcan magnolia): 55 Hancock/Sanchez in the Castro
Malus domestica (apple): 2521 18th Avenue in the Sunset
Maytenus boaria (mayten): 1977 Green Street in Cow Hollow; 1257 Guerrero Street in the Mission [OR 1247?]
Melaleuca armillaris (Bracelet honey myrtle): 590 Steiner Street in Hayes Valley
Melaleuca linariifolia (flaxleaf paperbark): 118-120 Jersey Street in Noe Valley; 170 Albion/17th in the Mission; 1701 Franklin Street in Pacific Heights (this tree has been officially landmarked by the City of San Francisco)
Melaleuca nesophila (pink melaleuca): NEED SPECIMEN
Melaleuca quinquenervia (cajeput): across from 1991 Oakdale Street in the Bayview
Melaleuca squamophloia (we previously thought M. armillarilis): 171 Lexington/19th Street in the Mission
Melaleuca styphelioides (prickly melaleuca): 705 Capp Street in the Mission; 265 - 28th Street in Noe Valley; across from 195 San Anselmo in St. Francis Woods
Melia azedarach (chinaberry): 3505 19th/Valencia - 19th Street side of corner, three trees nearest the corner, in the Mission
Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn redwood): 486 Roosevelt Way in the Upper Market neighborhood; 2146 9th Avenue in Forest Hill
Metrosideros collina 'Springfire': 2560 Washington Street/Steiner, in Pacific Heights
Metrosideros excelsus (New Zealand Christmas): Example of yellow-flowered 'Aurea' variety at 1221 Stanyan/17th in Cole Valley; closeup here. The biggest of the very few examples of the 'Aurea' variety (yellow flowers); this tree was planted by the late Victor Reiter, a renowned SF horticulturalist.
Metrosideros robusta (northern rata): 893 Clayton/Parnassus in Cole Valley; 1772 Vallejo (just to the left of the driveway) in Pacific Heights
Michelia x foggii 'Jack Fogg': 518 Ellsworth Street
Morus alba (white mulberry): 808 Guerrero Street in the Mission; 19th Street north of Church, west side, in the Mission; 1132 Page/Broderick in the Lower Haight
Myoporum laetum (myoporum): 300 Baker Street in NOPA
Myrica californica (Pacific wax myrtle): 789 Carolina Street on Potrero Hill
Myrtus communis (common myrtle): 119 Collingwood/18th in the Castro
Nicotiana tomentosa: (no common name but in the tobacco family): near 1685 Mariposa Street on Potrero Hill (over the fence in the diagonal open space next to that address); 24th Street between Noe and Sanchez in Noe Valley, in front of a Victorian house (as of April 2015 was threatened by construction so may no longer be there). Amazing flowers and very rare.
Olea europaea (olive): in park bordering Carolina Street between 17th and Mariposa on Potrero Hill
Osmanthus fragrans (sweet olive or sweet osmanthus); in Victoria Manalo Draves park, adjacent to Sherman Street between Harrison and Folsom
Oxydendrum arboreum (sourwood): 32 Mesa/9th Avenue in Forest Hill (2 trees at this address)
Parajubaea cocoides (Quito palm): 2563 33rd Avenue near Vicente; on Montcalm near Franconia, in Bernal Heights; at Theater Artaud (Florida between 17th and Mariposa in the Mission), the tall palm growing next to the large Brazilian pepper tree inside the courtyard. Very well adapted to San Francisco climate.
Pasopaya palm (Parajubaea torallyi): 3503 23rd Street in the Mission
Parajubaea torallyi (Bolivian Mountain Coconut): just to the left of the very large wine palm as you face Theater Artaud, on Florida between 17th and Mariposa in the Mission. Also in the Presidio, in front of the Queen Anne victorians near the corner of Funston and Presidio Avenues in the Main Post. A great palm for San Francisco, says Jason Dewees.
Paulownia tomentosa (empress tree): Across from 163 Skyview/Aqua Vista; western end of Channel Street in Mission Bay (the tree there has a an identifying sign on it).
Persea americana (avocado): 438 Arkansas on Potrero Hill; 1011 South Van Ness/21st in the Mission
Persea indica (Madeira bay): 2051-53 Hyde Street on Russian Hill; Golden Gate Park bordering Stanyan Street, between Haight and Page; Southwest corner of Dolores Park, near 20th/Church (small grove of multi-trunked trees)
Phoenix canariensis (Canary Island palm): lining Market from Castro to Valencia; lining the Embarcadero; also the principal palm on the Dolores Street median. The 13 Canary Island palm trees on Quesada just west of 3rd Street are also standouts. They're maintained by the Quesada Gardens Initiative, www.quesadagardens.org, a resident-led, all-volunteer group that is building community in San Francisco’s Bayview neighborhood through greening, sustainable food production, public art andevents.
Phoenix dactylifera (date palm): in median on Dolores Street, near 30th Street, in the Mission
Phoenix reclinata (Senegal date palm): corner of Florida and 17th at Theater Artaud in the Mission.; 783-85-87 Page Street
Phoenix roebelenii (pygmy date palm): Diamond Street just uphill from Market Street in the Castro
Photinia davidsoniae: in the Golden Gate Park panhandle, at Fell Street just east of Masonic. Orange fruits.
Photinia serratifolia (Chinese photinia): 605 Castro/19th in the Castro
Pinus canariensis (Canary Island pine): 4800 17th/Cole in Cole Valley
Pinus patula (Mexican weeping pine): 18th Street just east of De Haro, south side of the street; 85 Jordan/California (left of house, in yard)
Pinus pinaster (cluster pine; maritime pine): 2529 Fillmore/Jackson in Pacific Heights
Pinus pinea (Italian stone pine): 90 Woodland Ave in Cole Valley (two trees). These trees are great, but I'm highlighting this address because the house is one of only two or three in the City built by the famous modernist architect Richard Neutra.
Pinus radiata (Monterey pine): 214 Santa Clara in St. Francis Wood; 379 Lisbon Street in the Excelsior (in side yard, in back of house;
Pinus roxburghii (chir pine): corner of Elsie and Esmerelda Streets in Bernal Heights
Pinus torreyana (Torrey pine): NW corner of Castro and Henry in the Castro (several examples on hill)
Pistacia chinensis (Chinese pistache): 880-884 Lombard/Jones on Russian Hill
Pittosporum crassifolium (seaside pittosporum): 701 Sansome/Jackson in the financial district
Pittosporum eugenioides (lemonwood): southwest corner of Belvedere and Parnassus in Cole Valley
Pittosporum rhombifolium (Queensland pittosporum): 1293-95-97 Noe/26th (2nd tree from corner)
Pittosporum tobira (tobira): 147 Nevada Street in Bernal Heights; in the yard at 1300 Clayton (Deming Street side of property)
Pittosporum undulatum (Victorian box): 1403 Willard/Parnassus; 748 Clayton/Frederick in Cole Valley/Haight Ashbury
Plagianthus regius (Ribbonwood): in the Golden Gate park panhandle, across from 1530 Fell
Platanus X acerfolia (London plane): 337 Arkansas/19th on Potrero Hill; Bryant between 6th and 7th in front of the Hall of Justice in SOMA; 426 Urbano Drive in Ingleside Terrace (most dramatic pollarded examples - two trees)
Platanus racemosa (California sycamore): 328 Highland in Bernal Heights; 1499 Geary/Webster
Podocarpus macrophyllus (yew pine): directly in front of Kabuki Theater on Post Street near Fillmore (mixed in with other podocarps species)
Populus alba (white poplar): 110-114 Steiner/Germania in the Lower Haight-Ashbury; in Golden Gate Park panhandle, directly across the street from the corner of Oak and Clayton
Populus nigra 'Italica' (Lombardy poplar): in park bordered by Davis, Washington, the Embarcadero and Clay in the financial district (many example
Prunus amygdalus (almond): corner of Wisconsin and 19th Streets, north side of street, on Potrero Hill; across street from 3120 23rd/Folsom (several fruiting trees interspersed between several Castenea sativas
Prunus campanulata (Taiwan cherry; Formosan cherry): 171 Hartford/19th in the Castro
Prunus laurocerasus (English laurel): 770 3rd Avenue/Cabrillo in the Richmond
Prunus lyonii (Catalina cherry): 19th Street, west of Arkansas, north side of the street; 1413 Dolores Street in the Mission
Prunus lusitanica (Portugal laurel): in Golden Gate Park panhandle across the street from 1898 Fell/Cole, near a Photinia davidsoniaii
Prunus serrulata (flowering cherry): [NEED SPECIMEN]
Pseudotsuga menziesii (douglas fir): 906 Guerrero Street in the Mission; in side yard at 415 Liberty/Sanchez in the Castro
Psoralea pinnata (kool-aid bush): 1634 Jerrold Avenue (entrance to Flora Grubb Nursery) in the Bayview (tree with bluish flowers if in bloom)
Punica granatum (pomegranate): 559 Noe Street in the Castro
Pyracantha (Pyracantha sp.); northwest corner of Castro and 21st Streets in the Castro
Pyrus calleryana (flowering pear): 714 Naples in the Excelsior; 239 Connecticut on Potrero Hill
Pyrus kawakamii (evergreen pear): 101 Scott/Waller in the Lower Haight; 1299 18th/Texas in Potrero Hill
Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak): southwest corner of Noe/19th in the Castro; 1514 Sanchez/28th in Noe Valley
Quercus coccinea (scarlet oak) : Across from 3473 25th Street/Valencia in the Mission (between two cherry trees); 3887-3889 20th Street in the Mission; 330-340 San Jose Avenue in the Mission
Quercus hypoleucoides (silverleaf oak): 60-62 Sharon Street/16th Street in the Castro
Quercus ilex (holm oak, holly oak): Across from 451 7th Avenue in the Richmond; 1646 Lyon/Pine in Lower Pacific Heights
Quercus kelloggii (black oak): 1145 Shotwell Street
Quercus lobata (valley oak): across from 108 Quane, in back yard
Quercus palustris (Pin oak): NEED SPECIMEN
Quercus robur (English oak): NEED SPECIMEN
Quercus rubra (northern red oak): 842-844 York/20th in the Mission
Quercus suber (cork oak): 4736 17th/Cole in Cole Valley (a beautiful specimen)
Quillaja saponaria (soapbark tree): 2760 Sacramento/Scott in Pacific Heights; 736-38 Masonic/Hayes, north of the Golden Gate Park panhandle
Radermachera sinica (China doll tree): across street from 3462 22nd Street/Fair Oaks (it's the tree across the street from 3645 22nd); 47 Fort Mason 11 in Fort Mason; 1099 Dolores (backyard)/24th Street
Ravenea rivularis (majestic palm); 506 Naples Street, in the Excelsior neighborhood
Rhamnus alaternus (Italian buckthorn): [NEED SPECIMEN]
Rhaphiolepis indica (India hawthorn): 1435 45th/Judah; 102 Fair Oaks Street
Rhopalostylis baueri (Norfolk Island palm): 198 Montcalm Street in Peralta Heights; 372 Eureka/21st against house)
Rhopalostylis sapida (Nikau palm): 198 Montcalm in Bernal Heights; 1745 20th Street/Wisconsin (against house on Wisconsin St. side); 2670 17th Avenue/Wawona in the Sunset
Ricinis communis (castor bean); 239-1/2 Collingwood Street in the Castro (in planter next to house)
Robinia ambigua (locust): Bartlett on either side of 22ndin the Mission (larger trees south of 22nd; smaller trees 'Idahoensis' variety); Harrison between 20th and Mistral (variety uncertain) in the Mission
Salix babylonica (weeping willow): In Alamo Square, borderingwest and north sides of the Square
Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa' (twisted hankow willow): [NEED SPECIMEN]
Sapium sebiferum (Chinese tallow tree): 3638 16th Street/Market in the Castro
Schinus molle (California pepper): 4090 26th Street/Sanchez in Noe Valley (large tree uphill from address)
Schinus polygama (Chilean pepper tree): northeast corner of Cesar Chavez and Guerrero
Schinus terebinthifolius (Brazilian pepper): corner of 3rd St./Yosemite in the Bayview (in median, across from 2238 Lane Street); 100 Capistrano Avenue in Mission Terrace
Sequoiadendron giganteum (giant sequoia): Garfield Square between Harrison, Treat, 25th and 26th (several large examples) in the Mission; 1055 Green Street on Russian Hill
Sequoia sempervirens (coast redwood): Just uphill from Lyon and Green in Pacific Heights; in park next to Transamerica Pyramid in the Financial District
Sophora japonica (Japanese pagoda tree): 1751 Newhall/Revere in the Bayview
Stenocarpus sinuatus (fire wheel tree): 1634 Jerrold Avenue (entrance to Flora Grubb Nursery; tree with orange protea-like flowers if in bloom) in the Bayview
Syagrus romanzoffianum (Queen palm): 350 Arkansas on Potrero Hill (two trees)
Syncarpia glomulifera (turpentine tree): 24th Avenue between Santiago and Taraval, across street from 2333 24th; in Golden Gate Park off Stanyan Street just south of Haight Street; across from 63 Scott, in the park bordering the fence (resembles a New Zealand Christmas tree somewhat) [MAY 2018]
Syringa vulgaris (lilac): 2710 Harrison/23rd (right of property as you face the house, inside the fence) in the Mission
Syzygium paniculatum (brush cherry): 50 San Buenaventura/St. Francis in St. Francis Wood (entire street is lined with this tree)
Syzygium smithii (lilly pilly tree): across street from 349 31st Avenue/California Street in the Richmond
Taxodium mucronatum (Montezuma cypress): in Dolores Park, directly across from the Christian Science Church on Dolores Street between 19th and 20th
Taxus baccata (English yew): 275 Pacheco/Marcela in Forest Hill; corner of Hyde/Greenwich in Sterling Park
Tibouchina urvilleana (princess flower): 2476 Broadway in Pacific Heights. Rare to see this as a free standing street tree!
Tilia americana (American linden, basswood): just downhill from 1375 Sacramento on Nob Hill, there is a narrow sidewalk street. Walk down it, and the tree (it's very large) is on your right
Tilia cordata (little-leaf linden): 1955 9th/Pacheco in the Sunset; 425 Alabama/Mariposa in the Mission
Tipuana tipu (tipu tree): several specimens in the parking lot of the Grocery Outlet on Silver at Goettingen in the Portola neighborhood
Trachycarpus fortunei (windmill palm): 17th Street between Bryant and Alabama - south side, in the Mission
Triadica sebifera (Chinese tallow tree): 16th Street near Florida, north side of the street
Tristaniopsis laurina (small-leaf tristania): 738 Ashbury/Frederick in Cole Valley; 317 Castro/Market in the Castro
Ulmus americana (American elm): On the Filbert Steps, just down the steps from Montgomery Street, next to the sign for Darrell Lane
Ulmus parvifolia (Chinese elm): 255 Hartford/19th in the Castro; many examples on Folsom between 24th and 26th (both sides) in the Mission
Ulmus procera (English elm): 79 Woodland/Parnassus in Cole Valley
Umbellularia californica (California bay): in the Golden Gate Park panhandle, across from 2006-10 Fell Street
Washingtonia filifera (California fan palm): 1182 Guerrero Street/24th in the Mission (next to a California fan palm at the same address; the Mexican fan palm is the one with the fatter trunk on the left as you face the house)
Washingtonia robusta (Mexican fan palm): 1279 7th/Judah in the Sunset
Wigandia urens: across from 1457 18th Street on 18th Street, near Connecticut (in yard, over fence) on Potrero Hill
Wollemia nobilis (wollemi pine): 160 Swiss Avenue (small tree next to adjacent house, just peeking over the fence at the corner)
Xylosma congested (shiny xylosma): near corner of 19th and Carolina, south side of 19th just east of the corner (2 trees); Mission Pool & Playground on Valencia south of 19th Street)
Yucca gigantea (aka yucca elephantipes) (giant yucca): 2128 Pine Street in Lower Pacific Heights; 4206 23rd/Diamond in Noe Valley
Zelkova serrata (japanese zelkova): 1908 Buchanan/Bush in Pacific Heights; 261 Fair Oaks Avenue in the Mission
Ziziphus jujuba (jujube tree): 491 Pennsylvania Street on Potrero Hill
Mystery Trees:
1793 9th Avenue in the Sunset (small tree next to house with orange blossoms)
Across the street from 2773 Clay Street (2 trees in sidewalk adjacent to Alta Plaza Park - Nyssa sylvatica?
Across the street from 3150-52 Clay Street (large eucalyptus to the right of the stairs leading down to the library)