Winter afternoon at salesforce Park

Yesterday I had one of those hours that makes you just happy to be alive. I decided to do a spin around Salesforce Park at lunchtime - I hadn’t been there for a couple months, and thought it would be interesting to see the park in winter mode. As I came out of the elevator, there was an enchanting clarinet, oboe and bassoon woodwind trio, playing beautifully. After listening for a while, I started my loop. It being winter, there wasn’t much color in the park, other than a few beautiful proteas in the South African garden, but it was interesting to see the hornbeams doing their segue from green to yellow, and the California buckeyes, Chinese elms and river birches in their spare winter forms. On my way out, I passed a curious two-year-old running down the middle of the bus fountain - Inspecting the holes that had been jets of water a few seconds before. It cracked me up - she was there with her (very brave) mother, not realizing that the jets could come back at any minute. Photos and vidéos below.

European hornbeam with fall color

European hornbeam with fall color

California buckeye

California buckeye

Chinese elm (Chilean wine palm in the distance to the right)

Chinese elm (Chilean wine palm in the distance to the right)

river birches

river birches

protea in the South African garden

protea in the South African garden


This two-year-old had just seen the bus fountain in action, spurting up from below, and was checking out the holes where the jets of water had just come from.

Sadness on Mt. Sutro

Eucalyptus forest, Mt. Sutro

Eucalyptus forest, Mt. Sutro

I was walking my dog on upper Woodland Avenue today, at a spot where there is a view into the Sutro Forest. I stopped to look into the forest, and took the picture that you see here. The view is of the Woodland Creek area of Mt. Sutro, part of the “Interior Greenbelt” that is owned by the City of San Francisco. (There is a small seasonal creek in ravine here, that emerges only in wet winters.)

Mt. Sutro was once owned by Adolf Sutro, and he planted the bare (at the time) hills with various types of trees. The blue gum eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus, from Australia) out-competed the others, leaving a monoculture of eucalyptus in the forest. I’m actually a fan of this tree in the right place, and a vigorous forest of eucalyptus is a beautiful thing. But that’s not what you see on Mt. Sutro.

What you see in the photo is an image of a forest in sad decline. The forest floor is impenetrable ivy, which means that the forest can’t regenerate - when the eucalyptus seeds hit the ground, they disappear into the thicket of ivy, and don’t germinate. The ivy also creeps up the trunks of the trees (clearly visible in this photo), covering branches and blocking light from the trees. And the trees aren’t healthy - you can see the thinning crowns at the top of this photo.

The decline of the forest has been a slow thing, and when bad things happen slowly, we often don’t react (or even recognize them as a problem - look at climate change as an example. Fortunately, the University of California, which owns over 80% of Mt. Sutro’s acreage, is taking steps to address the forest’s decline:

I wish them well!

Oranges and Pomegranates on Noe?

pomegranate tree - 559 Noe

pomegranate tree - 559 Noe

On a meandering bike ride through the Mission and Castro yesterday, I discovered the 500 block of Noe, and some unusual (for San Francisco, at least) fruit-bearing trees. At 559 Noe, there’s a mature pomegranate tree (Punica granatum) in the front yard. There’s a persimmon tree and fruit-bearing avocado in the back yard, which I know thanks to the nice resident who gave me a tour, as well as a few pomegranates. And at 524-26 Noe, several orange trees (Citrus x sinensis), with the fruit still green - they will ripen in the winter. Oranges aren’t unusual in northern California, but you don’t see many in San Francisco with our cool climate. Or at least not until recently - I saw a presentation at the Urban Forestry Council recently that suggests San Francisco is headed for a Santa Barbara-like climate in 50 years.


I’ll also share a couple photos of other trees I saw along the route - a couple of swaying Mexican fan palms (Washingtonia robusta) just off of 15th Street near Guerrero, and a Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla) with one of the most striking silhouettes that I’ve ever seen for that species (and it’s famous for its silhouettes).

And a giant yucca (Yucca gigantea), seemingly just growing out of sidewalk.

Trees I never saw growing up in Upstate New York!

oranges - closeup

oranges - closeup

orange tree at 524-26 Noe

orange tree at 524-26 Noe

Washingtonia robusta off 15th Street in the Mission

Washingtonia robusta off 15th Street in the Mission

Norfolk Island pine showing its symmetry

Norfolk Island pine showing its symmetry

giant yucca - 420 Noe Street

giant yucca - 420 Noe Street

Youtube video of Salesforce Park

I’ve put a walking tour of the Salesforce Park up on youtube - you can find it here (or just search youtube for “Salesforce Park Walking Tour”). It’s an iPhone video - in the tour, i walk around the park’s 4 block loop, identifying trees and plants as I go. If you prefer a tour where you can see the names of the trees, you can find that one here on this website: if you’re on a desktop or laptop, just click the link above titled “Salesforce Park Walking Tour”; if you’re on a smart phone, click the navigation link at the top of your screen, and choose the link by the same name.


Amazing app to ID trees and plants


[NOTE: if you’re trying to find the Salesforce Park Tour, click above to navigate to “Salesforce Park Walking Tour”.]

I read an article in this month’s Bay Nature about an app that can help identify plants. I’ve tried these apps before, and always found them useless, so I was skeptical. But the article made this one sound promising, so I decided to give it a try. The app is called “Seek”, and it’s a joint project of the California Academy of Sciences and National Geographic. Here’s my report: THIS APP IS AMAZING - IT REALLY WORKS! You just give the app access to your camera, and then when you find a plant that you’re curious about, you tap the camera icon on the app and point it at the plant (hint - it’s best when you point the camera at the flowers of the plant, but I’ve seen it work from foliage and seeds also). Sometimes the app will just give you a genus, and not drill down to a specific species, but most of the time it will get you right to the species. And very helpfully, it then gives you a link to the Wikipedia page about the plant or tree.

Seek isn’t perfect, but I’d say that it works 80% of the time, which is far better than anything I’d ever seen. I’ve tried it on plants that i know, just to test it. I’ve also tried it on plants that I don’t know, gotten the results, and then looked up images on the web to confirm its accuracy. The app does make occasional mistakes, but they’re rare.

I know a fair amount about trees, but a lot less about other plants. This app is starting to change that!

The app is free - it’s called “Seek by Inaturalist” - just go to the app store on you iPhone or Android device, and download. I’ve also tried an app called “Pl@ntnet, which is also pretty good (I have actually downloaded Pl@ntnet also, as a backup to Seek, but I use Seek 90% of the time).

It’s nice to see that machine learning is finally getting to the point where these plant ID apps really work. I’m sure that they will keep getting better - something to look forward to :)

Lake Maggiore - Isola Madre

This small island in Lake Maggiore has been owned (together with several other nearby small islands) by the Borromeo family for 500 years. Virtually the entirety of Isola Madre is a botanical garden.

The most impressive tree on this island is a Kashmir cypress (Cupressus cashmeriana). It was planted from seed in 1862, and grew to be an immense tree-the symbol of this garden. The tree was uprooted in a tornado in 2006 (photo below of the tree below showing it lying on its side after the tornado), but the Borromeo family used extraordinary efforts to save it - a helicopter and cables to right the tree, special chemicals to limit the perspiration of water from the leaves, and constant watering for several years. The tree is still cabled, as you can see from the photo below.

The island has a beautiful palm garden with over 10 species of palm, including Chilean wine palms, Butia capitata, and others that were beyond my palm abilities :) Coming from San Francisco, where ginkgos often don’t thrive, it was nice to see that one of the biggest specimen trees on the island was a giant Ginkgo biloba.

Kashmir cypress

Kashmir cypress

The Kashmir cypress in 2006, after being uprooted in a tornado

The Kashmir cypress in 2006, after being uprooted in a tornado

Palm garden

Palm garden

Butia capitata (I think)

Butia capitata (I think)



lake Como - Villa Melzi

Today we visited Villa Melzi - a beautiful estate and garden created by Francesco Melzi d’Eril, count of Lodi and Vice president of the First Italian Republic in the time of Napoleon. He decided around 1800 to build a summer residence at Bellagio on Lake Como.

Melzi had a strong interest in botany, and European botanists at that time were very interested in “exotic“ trees, including many from North America. Europe is missing many species and genera that exist in Asia and North America (in Europe they were wiped out by the Ice Age, as their retreat trees had nowhere to retreat to the south was blocked by the Alps and the Pyrenees). So while the garden has many beautiful, huge European oaks, beech and pine species and cultivars, it also has Melzi’s “exotics” - tulip trees, Chilean wine palms, various pines from Mexico, and one of the largest deodar cedars I have ever seen (in the photo below, look for the human being in the photo to see how large it is).

The most famous trees in the garden are the London planes in a long allée on the border of the lake.

I recommend a visit for tree-lovers!

Chilean wine palms next to the Orangerie

Chilean wine palms next to the Orangerie

Three tulip trees - “exotic” to an early 19th century European

Three tulip trees - “exotic” to an early 19th century European

Deodar cedar (for perspective, notice the humans on the right)

Deodar cedar (for perspective, notice the humans on the right)

Lakeside allée of London planes

Lakeside allée of London planes

Pinus devoniana (native to Mexico-known as Pino blanco there)

Pinus devoniana (native to Mexico-known as Pino blanco there)

cork oak

cork oak

Lake Como - Villa Carlotta

I’m lucky to be visiting Italy’s Lake Como for a week. Just south of the Alps, 10 miles from Switzerland open but as a semi tropical climate. One of the reasons we decided to visit was the multitude of amazing gardens in this region. Our first visit was to Villa Carlotta - a gorgeous Chilean wine palm has clearly survived many winters here. Gigantic tulip trees, European sycamores (Platanus orientalis), some pretty coral trees (Erythrina sp.) and gorgeous gardens.

Two observations from Europe so far-European lindens (Tilia x europaea) are everywhere, and in bloom now with sweet perfume. These trees are a naturally occurring cross between bigleaf (Tilia platyphyllos) and littleleaf (Tilia cordata) lindens.

And second, the European beeches are amazing here in their native region! The tree in the photo below I thought was amazing ports long, straight trunk.


Yellow New Zealand Christmas Tree in full bloom

I’m often asked about my favorite tree. Not the type of tree I love most, but my favorite individual tree in the entire city. This tree, at 1221 Stanyan Street in Cole Valley, is my personal number one. 

yellow metro.jpg

For starters, the tree is one of the city’s best specimens of New Zealand Christmas tree (Metrosideros excelsa), popular for its showy red bottlebrush flowers. And, indeed, all of the many hundreds of New Zealand Christmas trees on San Francisco’s streets have red flowers, except for one—at 1221 Stanyan Street. Every June, that tree pops with spectacular yellow flowers. And it’s at its peak right now, as I write this post on June 23 (almost six months from Christmas in New Zealand).

How did this tree end up with yellow flowers? The story goes back to Victor Reiter, San Francisco’s most famous plantsman from the 1930s until his death in 1986. (See p. 73 in my Trees of San Francisco book for more on Reiter.) In 1940, there was a natural mutation of the species on tiny Motiti Island in the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand, and in the late 1950s, Reiter was one of the first Californians to obtain a cutting (for the details on exactly how that happened, see the bottom of this article). As the Reiter family lived in several homes in a three-block stretch of Stanyan Street, they planted the curiosity in front of their 1221 Stanyan address—still occupied today by a family member. And more than 70 years later, the tree is thriving. It’s a beautiful mutant with an amazing history and pedigree—and my favorite tree in San Francisco.

[The paragraphs above are mostly copied from my book, so a few years old - but here’s a June 2019 postscript: I have a cousin who lives on the west side of Stanyan Street, and her back yard fronts onto the Reiter family garden. She took me into her back porch recently, and I saw another yellow specimen, even larger than the one at 1221 Stanyan, in the garden. There are other specimens of this variety of the tree (the scientific name of the yellow-blooming variety is Metrosideros excelsa ‘Aurea’) in off-street locations - there are a couple in the San Francisco Botanical Garden, at the entrance on the left; there are a couple near the entrance to Fort Mason - they alternate with red-blooming species, which is a cool effect, and I was recently informed that there are a few in Golden Gate Park near the horse stables. It would be nice if the nursery trade had more of them!]

yellow metro close.jpg

[From an article written by Elizabeth McClintock in the July 1968 issue of California Horticultural Journal: “ A yellow flowered form of Metrosideros excelsa has occurred in the wild of New Zealand on Motiti Island, a small island a few miles from Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty, on the northeastern coast of North Island. This form is cultivated in New Zealand (Duncan and Davies, 1965) under the name M. excelsa ‘Aurea’. It was introduced to cultivation in San Franciso by L. M. Tivol. About ten years ago a visitor to the San Francisco Business Men’s Garden Club told Mr. Tivol of seeing such a plant in the wild in New Zealand while he was on a fishing trip. Mr. Tivol expressed an interest in having the plant, and when the visitor returned to New Zealand he sent cuttings to Mr. Tivol. The cuttings were turned over to Victor Reiter who succeeded in rooting several. In 1961 Mr. Reiter exhibited a flowering specimen from his young tree at the California Horticultural Society. Mr. Reiter presented one of his trees to the Strybing Arboretum in 1964. At the present time (December 1968) this tree is about eight fee tall and in the summer of 1968 it flowered profusely.”

St. Francis Wood massacre

The St. Francis Woods neighborhood has always had professionally managed street trees -  when the neighborhood was laid out in the 1920s, the developer created a resident-funded homeowners association, and gave it control over the neighborhood’s street trees.  The result has (usually) been beautiful and consistently cared for trees in the neighborhood. 

So it was shocking to drive down Santa Clara Avenue and see dozens of eucalyptus trees topped so severely that not a leaf was left.  It’s the worst example of pruning I’ve ever  seen in San Francisco. I know that this neighborhood is unusual in the unusual local control it has had since the 1920s, but I have to believe that the city has the ability to levy fines for this abuse. 


Victor Reiter garden in bloom

 The Reiter family garden, wedged between Stanyan Street, Woodland Avenue and the Sutro Forest, was once a commercial nursery run by Victor Reiter, Jr., one of the founders of the California Horticultural Society and San Francisco‘s most famous grower, hybridizer and collector of plants and trees.  The garden is still in the family’s hands, with two of Reiter’s children still residing on the west side of Stanyan Street. Reiter was a collector of unusual trees and plants, and many of his specimens are still thriving in the garden.  The garden’s Campbell’s magnolia (a wedding present to Victor and his wife Carla from an English well wisher) is now in full bloom.  Hoheria, firewheel tree (Stenocarpus sinuatus), lilly pilly (Syzygium smithii) , northern ratas - all trees that are rare or nonexistent on San Francisco’s streets, can still be found in the garden, hints of Victor Reiter’s hand, long after his death in 1986. 

The garden is private, but you can catch a glimpse from the Sutro Forest trail that starts just a few feet above the corner of 17th and Stanyan streets - the garden is visible on the right after a short walk into the forest. 

Campbell’s Magnolia (Magnolia Campbellii ssp. mollicomata)

Campbell’s Magnolia (Magnolia Campbellii ssp. mollicomata)


Hoheria populnea foliage

Lilly pilly (Syzygium smithii) fruit

Lilly pilly (Syzygium smithii) fruit

Street Tree Numbers are Down - and there's a Reason


The Department of Public Works (DPW) Bureau of Urban Forestry recently announced that the number of street trees removed by the City in 2017 exceeded the number of trees planted - meaning the total number of street trees in San Francisco went down last year. That’s not a big surprise - with the passage of Prop E in 2016 (now called “Street Tree SF”), the City took back responsibility for all street trees in the city, and with a backlog of aging, sick or dead trees, most experts expected there to be an upward blip in removals.

However, there’s another structural reason that tree numbers may continue to decline, which I noticed when DPW tagged a number of trees in my neighborhood of Cole Valley for removal (one of the notices is in the photo to the left). If you look carefully at the notice in the photo, you’ll see that a total of 21 trees were tagged for removal, but (look at the bottom of the flier) only 12 permitted to be replaced. Why? In some cases, the existing trees were too close to underground utilities; in other cases too close to streetlamp poles. In yet other cases the trees were too close to other existing trees. DPW maintains a set of standards for planting street trees, and in some cases these rules have tightened over the years, so a tree basin that was plantable years ago may no longer work today.

What this means is that there is a structural factor that will result in fewer street trees, year after year. DPW’s rules for the placement of street trees are there for a good reason, and I’m not suggesting that they be changed.* However, we need to realize that as we lose street trees in the ordinary course of urban life - from age, or disease, or getting hit by a delivery truck, many of them won’t be replaceable.

What’s the solution? We need to accelerate plantings in places where no trees existed before. And now that the City is in charge of our street trees, that means getting more funding. We all need to push our supervisors for more funding for street tree planting - because if we don’t, you’ll start to see fewer and fewer trees in the neighborhoods.


* OK, I do have one quibble. The City disallows trees within a few feet of a streetlamp pole - because you don’t want a tree blocking light to the street. But there are plenty of small trees that would work in those spots, and never grow large enough to be a problem. Especially now that DPW controls things (including the species of trees that get planted), I think that’s a rule that could be relaxed.

TransBay Roof Park is SPECTACULAR!

Chilean wine palm (Jubaea chilensis)

Chilean wine palm (Jubaea chilensis)

I got a tour of the park that is the roof of the new Transbay Transit Center last week - Adam Greenspan, the landscape architect who led the design of the park, was kind enough to give me a guided peek at what is about to open to the public this weekend.   It's hard to decide which superlative to use to describe the new park (many would apply), so I'm just going to say that it's *spectacular*.   I had known for some time that the designers of this park were curating interesting species from around the world, but you have to see this place to appreciate what a special amenity is about to be bestowed on San Francisco.  

I will leave it to others to comment on the landscape design of the park - I'll just describe the imagination and deep botanical knowledge that went into the collecting of the trees and plants you'll find here.   Greenspan has largely used trees and plants from Mediterranean regions of the world, taking advantage of plants that will do well in San Francisco's climate.   There are trees from California, of course - California buckeyes, Monterey cypress, and other trees commonly seen in San Francisco, but also a dozen or more California sycamores (Platanus racemosa), a coastal California tree which is almost never seen in San Francisco streets.

As you walk around the perimeter of the park, you come to a Chilean garden (with several monkey puzzles), a South African garden, an Australian garden (with some amazing Brachychitons - both B. acerifolia but also B. rupestris (Queensland bottle tree - with a huge, bulbous trunk), and two separate desert gardens on the west end of the park, with three striking dragon trees (Dracaena draco).

My personal favorite in the garden is a still small wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis) - the tree that had been thought to have been extinct for hundreds of millions of years - known only from fossil records - until a few dozen of the species were discovered in a ravine near Sydney, Australia.  (Hello, Rec Park Department - we need a lot more of these in San Francisco parks!)  The wollemi pine is located in the roof's "ancient garden", with ginkgos, cycads and other plants that have graced the earth for millions of years.  

monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana)

monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana)

But I think the most spectacular trees in the park are the palms - Greenspan loves palms, and it shows, especially with the majestic Chilean wine palm that is set in a central lawn of the park, not far from pindo palms, some nikau palms (native to New Zealand), various Trachycarpus species (not just our common windmill palm, T. fortunei), a few Brahea species, and on and on and on....  There are probably a dozen palm species here that are rarely or never seen in San Francisco.   

So run, don't walk, to see this park when it opens!   I just hope that we can keep the Transbay Roof Park in the shape it's in now - it's going to take a lot of work to keep this garden looking as good in 10 years as it does now.  I volunteer to be a maintenance docent!   

“Snow in Summer”!

Wow - was biking in Noe Valley today and saw this  amazing tree at 118-120 Jersey Street. We call it flaxleaf paperbark, but not hard to see why it’s called “snow in summer” in its native Australia!  Melaleuca linarifolia is the scientific name; it’s one of the most common species in the Melaleuca genus as San Francisco street trees. 


118-120 Jersey Street

Madeira Trees

Just got back from a week visiting the island of Madeira - a Portuguese island off the coast of Morocco, just north of the Canary Islands.  About 33 degrees latitude, so about the same as San Diego, and it also has a similar climate - coastal, not too hot, but warm enough to appear semitropical.  It used to be a big producer of sugar cane, and you still see sugar cane growing and being harvested in spots around the island, but the bigger crop now is bananas, which have become a big export crop.  And of course vineyards, for the world-famous madeira wine.

African tulip tree in Funchal's old town

African tulip tree in Funchal's old town

Since the climate is similar to coastal California, I was curious to see what trees were used in Funchal (the capital and largest city - really the only city of any size on the island).   We were lucky to be able to stay at a hotel (Quinta da Casa Branca, if you ever go) that was formerly an estate owned by a guy who was obsessed about tropical trees - the entire 4 acre property was covered with spectacular and unusual tropical and semitropical trees, all of them with identifying plaques with scientific name, common name (in Portuguese and English) and location of origin.   OK, so that might have had something to do with our choice of hotel. 

Once we got out into the city, the most spectacular trees were the African tulip trees (Spathodea campanulata) - all of them in bloom (we were there in early April).  The tree is native to tropical Africa, and not all that well suited to our cooler Bay Area climate - not sure I have ever seen one in the Bay Area.   The trees are amazing in bloom - football-size clusters of intense red-orange trumpet-shaped flowers.   

Laurus novocanariensis - closeup of leaves and flowers

Laurus novocanariensis - closeup of leaves and flowers

We spent one day hiking in out in the country, in the laurel forests of the island (also called laurissilva), a type of forest found in the Atlantic islands of Madeira, the Canaries and the Azores - areas with high humidity and relatively stable, mild temperatures.   This type forest is a remnant of what once covered big parts of Europe before the ice age.  The forest had a species from the Laurus genus (the genus that gives us Laurus nobilis, the sweet bay tree that is used in Mediterranean cooking).  The Madeiran species is Laurus novocanariensis, which is endemic to Madeira and the Canary Islands (meaning it exists only there), and was just recently declared a separate species - it was previously thought to be a variety of Laurus azorica.  Apparently it hasn't been around long enough to develop a common name, so I'll dub it Madeira laurel.  (The hikes in Madeira  are amazing - they typically follow irrigation channels called "levadas" that follow the ridge lines of the mountains and bring water from the wetter northern side of the island to the drier south.)   

Dragon tree - Funchal botanical garden

Dragon tree - Funchal botanical garden

We saw lots of examples of Dracaena draco, the Canary Islands dragon tree.   The tree is native to Madeira (and to the Canary Islands, Cape Verde and western Morocco), but we never saw any in the wild.  They were common in Funchal - perhaps evidence of some local pride in a native tree :-)   Unlike most trees, dragon trees are monocots, related to palms and grasses.  The largest example we saw was in Madeira's botanical garden (a real gem, by the way - not to be missed if you're visiting the island). 




Queensland kauri in Funchal

Queensland kauri in Funchal

One of the big tree-surprises in Funchal was that the city's principal street was Agathis robusta - the Queensland kauri - a tree in the Araucaria family from northern Australia, closely related to Agathis australis, the more famous kauri from New Zealand.   The trees were very erect/fastigiate - perhaps a variety that's been bred for that quality?   I've never seen this species used as a street tree anywhere in the world, but they were very happy in Funchal.  Maybe something to experiment with in similar California conditions?  



And, of course, there were pride of Madeira (Echium candicans).  They weren't quite in season (surprisingly, since they're in full bloom in San Francisco).



Canary Islands dragon tree - rare sight in SF!

I can't remember seeing one of these before in San Francisco.  My husband took me this past weekend to his new favorite dog park (our dog Mather, named after the San Francisco Sierra camp, needed a run).  It's a flat area in Corona Heights Park that you can access either from State Street or from Flint Street.   (If you're approaching from Flint, walk past the tennis courts; if you came up the driveway from State Street, walk past the basketball courts.)  You'll come to a dog park adjacent to some community garden plots. - and in between the two, this Dracaena draco - the common name is Canary Islands dragon tree.  


The plant (not really a tree - it's a monocot with a tree-like growth habit) is native to the Canary Islands, Madeira, Cape Verde and western Morocco.  There's a beautiful example of this tree at the Hotel Coronado in San Diego; the two largest  in California are both in the Santa Barbara area - one at the Sotto il Monte Estate in Montesito, and the second at Mount Calvary Monastery behind the Santa Barbara Mission. in Santa Barbara.   But you don't see them often this far north.  I'll actually be in Madeira in two weeks, and will update this with new photos if I see some!

Spring must be here - Acacia baileyana in bloom

Bailey's acacia - southwest corner of Grattan and Shrader Streets in Cole Valley

Bailey's acacia - southwest corner of Grattan and Shrader Streets in Cole Valley

I've been doing a "Cole Valley Tree of the Month" series for some time in the Cole Valley Facebook group, and when I walked by this tree yesterday at the corner of Grattan and Shrader Streets in Cole Valley, I grabbed my iPhone, shot this picture and made it the "Cole Valley tree of January" - only to be reminded that it happened to be the first of February!   It's just that I associate this tree - Bailey's acacia, or Acacia baileyana, with January blooms.   Bailey's acacia is the first tree to bloom in the spring (after 30 years in San Francisco, it still seems weird to me to call January “spring”), and the brilliant yellow flowers are eye-catching. The tree is native to Australia, where it’s called “Cootamundra wattle”, as it's native to Cootamundra, New South Wales, just west of Canberra.  (The town holds a 'Wattle Time' festival every year when the trees start to bloom.)  

Acacias do put out a good amount of pollen, but the pollen is only mildly allergenic, and it's heavy, which means it exists only in the immediate vicinity of the trees.   You're much more likely to suffer allergies from oaks, elms, pines, and and other wind-pollinated trees - the inconspicuous flowers of those trees don't get noticed, but they put out great quantities of lightweight pollen.   Trees with colorful flowers aren't as likely to cause allergic reactions since the pollen is heavy and sticky (it's designed to stick to insect pollinators, who are attracted by the flower's color).