Oranges and Pomegranates on Noe?
pomegranate tree - 559 Noe
On a meandering bike ride through the Mission and Castro yesterday, I discovered the 500 block of Noe, and some unusual (for San Francisco, at least) fruit-bearing trees. At 559 Noe, there’s a mature pomegranate tree (Punica granatum) in the front yard. There’s a persimmon tree and fruit-bearing avocado in the back yard, which I know thanks to the nice resident who gave me a tour, as well as a few pomegranates. And at 524-26 Noe, several orange trees (Citrus x sinensis), with the fruit still green - they will ripen in the winter. Oranges aren’t unusual in northern California, but you don’t see many in San Francisco with our cool climate. Or at least not until recently - I saw a presentation at the Urban Forestry Council recently that suggests San Francisco is headed for a Santa Barbara-like climate in 50 years.
I’ll also share a couple photos of other trees I saw along the route - a couple of swaying Mexican fan palms (Washingtonia robusta) just off of 15th Street near Guerrero, and a Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla) with one of the most striking silhouettes that I’ve ever seen for that species (and it’s famous for its silhouettes).
And a giant yucca (Yucca gigantea), seemingly just growing out of sidewalk.
Trees I never saw growing up in Upstate New York!
oranges - closeup
orange tree at 524-26 Noe
Washingtonia robusta off 15th Street in the Mission
Norfolk Island pine showing its symmetry
giant yucca - 420 Noe Street